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Pastoral Care

Pastoral Care at Erindale is at the very heart of who we are.  We strive to care for our faith family wherever they are on their journey to healing:  Mind, body and spirit.


Caring and Visiting

We have a dedicated team who help our sick and bereaved people in need of assistance, comfort, companionship. Depending on the person’s needs, this committee may visit the person’s home, visit them in the hospital or provide assistance with meals. They also send congratulation cards for births and marriages, as well as sympathy, get well and “thinking of you” cards.

To help with the money for cards and stamps, periodically a coffee hour following our Sunday Worship Service is designated as a “Pastoral Care Coffee Hour” and people are asked to make free will offerings. However, items such as flowers, etc. that this committee provides people are given voluntarily in a quiet and caring manner with due discretion. They feel very strongly about their calling to assist in this important work.

If you are interested in providing pastoral care to our people, we would love you to join us.


Prayer Chain

Erindale is a congregation at prayer.  We are privileged to pray for one another, and to remember special prayer requests as we offer the ministry of this congregation of God’s people.

Often we receive requests from individuals for prayer for themselves or for friends and family in need of our prayer.  Sometimes someone may request prayer for a concern they have from the news and world.

If you have a prayer request, please email or talk to your Elder or contact the church at or 905-277-4564.


Prayer Shawls

Our Prayer Shawl ministry team provides prayer shawls for those who are ill, new babies, university students, confirmation participants, and more. It is a wonderful blessing for both those who create and those who receive these meaningful shawls.

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